Zero Waste Hair Care – A critical review

Alrighty, we’ve already talked about Zero Waste Dental Care, but what about our hair? This post is all about hair care but the difference between this post and the other is that this one is a rather critical article, showing that living Zero Waste is not as simple as we (I) want it to be.

As you know, I am currently in the US so I can’t work properly on my plastic free life at the moment, but this was my first try with Zero Waste Hair Care and today I’ll be sharing my experiences with you.

I am sure many of you have heard of solid shampoo or hair soap. The soap I bought is by Zhenobya and I got it at the Body Shop. My first thought was, hundred years ago people also washed their hair with usual soap so why not giving it a try?

I was so motivated to try this, actually not zero but less waste alternative, and I got a bit disappointed to be honest. Usually, my hair feels light, smooth and healthy after using the products I normally use. But after having used the shampoo bar, my hair felt thick, heavy, not smooth at all and not clean and healthy. Plus, it smelt like curd soap.

Nevertheless, I was still very keen to rock this environmentally friendly heir care and applied my DIY Conditioner which made everything even worse. At first I thought it helped but I went to my ballet class in the afternoon and realised that my hair at the back of my had was still not completely dry. This happens quite often to me because I have really thick hair BUT it was not wet, it was greasy due to all the oils and butters in it – so embarrassing 😂 I had to laugh so hard about myself. I mean, what did I expect? You can’t just add tons of fat to your hair and expect it to be fluffy and smooth…

However, I found another purpose for my DIY conditioner – I just turned it into a mask. I now use it every week as a mask before washing my hair to nurture my it and keep it healthy. Since these stories should also be part of this journey, I decided to share with you this „NO Conditioner-but oily hair mask“ recipe with you anyways.

NO Conditioner-but oily hair mask

  • 1 Tsp Coconut Oil
  • 1,5 Tbsp Cocoa Butter
  • 1,5 Tbsp Shea Butter
  • 1 Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 Tsp Jojoba Oil
  • 10 drops Essential Oil (optional)

I decided to share this with you, because I really try to be authentic. To my mind, bloggers should share real experiences, because social media and the internet in general is not always as authentic and transparent as it could be. It is not my goal to always be super successful and perfectly organised or environmentally friendly, I want to be real.
So this was my first experience with Zero Waste Hair Care, I will definitely try other shampoo and conditioner bars, for example the ones from LUSH, but I don’t think that I will use the other one ever again…unfortunately.
Conditioner seems to be not as easy to make as body lotion for example, so I will stick to my „No Conditioner- but oily hair mask“ idea and keep looking for other package-free conditioners.

What do you think about this article, do you agree that we should also share our unsuccessful experiences and what do you think about authenticity when it comes to blogs?

Thanks for reading!
xx, Sophie

Autor: Sophie B.

Mädchen mit permanentem Fernweh, die Kamera immer dabei! Ich lebe um die Welt zu erkunden!

7 Kommentare zu „Zero Waste Hair Care – A critical review“

  1. Hey there!
    Have you done a vinegar (or lemon juice) rinse after using the soap?
    Other than shampoo (which is chemically completely different from soap) the soap reacts with the lime in the water and builds up that „grease“, which is actually lime soap. You have to remove it with something sour, so take 1 or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into 1 litre of water and rinse your hair with it. Don’t worry, you won’t smell like salad dressing anymore as soon as your hair has dried! The vinegar even closes the hair structure and makes it more shiny and easier to comb.


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    1. Oh thank you so much for your advice!!!! I really appreciate it and I will definitely try it when I’m back home. True my hairdresser actually told me that „sour“ is good for your hair…
      Thanks!!! 😊

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  2. Ich habe in den letzten Wochen diese no-poo Roggenmehl Haarwäsche angefangen, wo man seine Haare mit einer Paste aus Roggemehl und Wasser wäscht. Funktioniert an sich ganz gut, aber nach dem 3. Waschen werden die Haare dann wirklich nicht mehr frisch und sauber und ich hab wieder mal normales genommen… werde es jetzt weiter testen und mal sehen ob es sich verbessert und meine Haare sich gewöhnen… ansonsten wollte ich auch mal so eine hair soap aus dem Unverpackt Laden ausprobieren 😀

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    1. Roggenmehl würde ich auch mal ausprobieren, aber ich tue mich wirklich schwer weil ich finde saubere, glänzende und weiche Haare zu angenehm😸
      Ich glaube ich probiere einfach noch eine andere Seife aus wenn ich wieder da bin 😊
      Danke und liebe Grüße 💕

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      1. Ja so geht es mir auch… deswegen habe ich damit jetzt auch aufgehört, weil meine Haare damit einfach so schwer und fest waren und nicht so schön frisch und fluffig…

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