My thoughts on MINIMALISM – happiness, a state of being or a state of having?

„Spend your money on experiences that are gonna feed your soul instead of stuff that’s gonna clutter up your life!“

…is one of my favourite quotes from a TED talks speaker, who held a speech about minimalism. I can highly recommend watching these speeches, they are so motivating, informing and inspiring!


Today, I would like to talk about a topic which is very important for me: Minimalism.
When I was a child, I used to collect everything. Dolls, papers, leafs, everything.
My room was always full of useless clutter! Later, when I became more interested in clothes, shoes, make-up and stuff, I hoarded tons of these things and the more I bought, the unhappier I became. At that time, this did not make sense to me. I mean, we are almost conditioned to buy stuff in order to be happy. We always need the latest iPhone, that new pair of Nike Sneakers etc. Large business companies want us to maintain our consumerous lifestyle,  they keep on creating new innovations and produce products, which are „predestined“ to die after two years.


After years of buying and tossing, I decided that I do not want to promote this lifestyle and I started watching Ted talks speeches about minimalism and downsizing.
In addition, I began to downsize my own stuff and stopped buying without thinking.
The point of minimalism is that you do not have to toss and sell everything in order to have all your belongings fit in one backpack, (don’t get me wrong, this is amazing!) but you have to create your own rules and live your personal minimalistic lifestyle, in order to become happy with less belongings!

Additionally, one side effect of minimalism is that you will have more money. Consequently, you can spend your money on experiences and travel for example and in most cases, these experiences will probably fulfill your life to an extent which consumer goods never will.
Why should we spent hundreds of dollars on a designer bag when we could also live in Thailand for a month for the same amount of money?

The less you own, the less you have to take care of.
And the less you own, the happier you will probably be.


I really wanted to share my personal thoughts with you, and I would also love to write a „Minimalism Guide“ as well. Please let me know, if you are interested!
At the moment, I am often thinking about happiness and how to create a lifestyle and a mind-set which allows us to be happy and independent of how much money we have.
You may have wondered why I am showing you these pictures of me, sitting in front of a white wall. I do not really know. I guess it is because I love to take minimalistic photographs, because there is no clutter which distracts the viewer from the human being in the centre of the photo.

Have a nice and sunny week! Enjoy the little things.



Pin it and don’t forget it!Minimalism-Pinterest

Autor: Sophie B.

Mädchen mit permanentem Fernweh, die Kamera immer dabei! Ich lebe um die Welt zu erkunden!

42 Kommentare zu „My thoughts on MINIMALISM – happiness, a state of being or a state of having?“

  1. This is a very wise and truthful insight, Sophie.

    I agree on all your points. We keep on buying and hoarding things we really don’t need and in the end, it only makes us feel empty and sad.

    It’s a vicious cycle: the more we accumulate unnecessary things, the more we become unsatisfied. Minimalism does make a lot of sense in this matter. There is so much truth in the saying, „Less is more.“ Less is more, indeed.

    Gefällt 4 Personen

  2. There are so many true points, and I definitvely agree with you in the point „living in Thailand for a month instead of buying designer bags“. Minimalism is a nice way of living, but honestly I couldn’t do it so far. Well, I did sometimes but not on purpose 😀
    Nice post!
    xoxo, Dorie

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  3. Wonderful Article, and I too am trying to live a happy life with basic things so I get you completely. Even having a cluttered desk feels stressful, so to feel free I will always keep only what I need on it, just like life really. I also agree with the Less is more too.

    Gefällt 2 Personen

  4. I am not living very minimalistic but I am trying to save money so I am on a self imposed shopping ban and a further benefit is that I am not buying „stuff“. I agree that we’re conditioned to buy and hoard stuff so being aware of it has definitely helped me and helped me start to get rid of stuff. I’d love to see a guide from you on how to become more minimalist! 🙂

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  5. Ich kann dir wirklich nur zustimmen Sophie!
    In unserer heutigen Konsumwelt ist es schon normal jedes Jahr das neuste iPhone zu kaufen und immer allen Trends hinterher zu rennen. Ich will zwar nicht sagen, dass ich nie was kaufe, denn ich gehe auch gerne shoppen aber ich kaufe Dinge wenn sie mir gefallen und nicht weil sie IN sind. Und das auch nicht oft.
    Vor allem bei Dingen wie Handy und PC bin ich eher so der Typ: Hauptsache es funktioniert 😀 Mein Handy habe ich schon 4 Jahre und damals habe ich auch nur eine alte Version von Sony gekauft und meinen Laptop habe ich schon 8 Jahre und der ist auch gebraucht gewesen. Aber beides tut seinen Dienst und solange das auch so bleibt werde ich mir auch kein neues Handy kaufen. Einen neuen Laptop brauche ich allerdings wenn ich nach Australien gehe, da meiner zu groß und zu schwer ist um ihn mitzunehmen 🙂

    Liebe Grüße
    Pauline ❤

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    1. Hey Pauline 🙂
      Das finde ich echt super! Wie gesagt, jeder so auf seine eigene Weise 🙂 Ich zum Beispiel trage meine Klamotten kaputt, investiere dafür aber sehr gerne in mein Hobby, die Fotografie 🙂 Was dann vielleicht auch nicht so minimalistisch ist 😀
      Ich freue mich einfach riesig, dass viele anfangen, über Minimalismus nachzudenken. Man muss es ja nicht übertreiben, aber nur zusammen können wir wirklich was bewirken :)!!
      Liebe Grüße

      Gefällt 1 Person

  6. I’ve spent a lot of time recently being aware of what I was buying and why I was buying it. I also did a huge cleanse where I gave away a lot of stuff. I still can’t claim being a minimalist because there are certain things that I can’t get enough of (mainly books. All the books) but I have gotten a lot better and most my stuff is older purchases at this point!

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    1. Books were a critical point for me as well. Finally I have donated my collection of classic works. However the final state of my bookself is the reflection of my achievemets 1) university books 2) foreigh language manuels 3) travel books 4) to be read books. Almost all I am proud of and can be displayes through books. Shere self-justification.

      Gefällt 2 Personen

    1. I know what you mean and I agree, but I guess what I’ve said works for this kind of „minimalists“, people who feel extremely cluttered and messy when they own too many things. When my room is a mess, I know that I have to declutter, because I can’t deal with the amount if things I own.
      Thank you for sharing your opinion 😊!


  7. Hallo Sophie! Deinen Artikel kann ich so unterschreiben. 😉 Ich fange auch an, viele Sachen zu verschenken und zu verkaufen. Ich habe gemerkt, dass ich mit weniger viel glücklicher bin. Dadurch habe ich auch weniger Druck, viel Geld verdienen zu „müssen“ und könnte mir z.B. vorstellen, irgendwann mal auf eine 4-Tage Woche zu wechseln. Dann hat man mehr Zeit für eigene Projekte. 🙂 Liebe Grüße

    Gefällt 1 Person

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